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with Alex Lafkus & Russ Maddin

     As I sit at 336 East Front Street in Traverse City, Michigan at Nolan’s Tobacco & Cigar bar, I feel as if it is my Valhalla after completing my first Michigan smallmouth bass adventure.  It was also an accomplished feeling as I look back to the difficulties and obstacles of my trip north from Arkansas.  It had obviously been a trip I had looked forward to for quite some time and I “thought” it was set up as easy of a travel trip I could schedule.  I would get on the plane in Northwest Arkansas at 9:00 a.m., then connect in Chicago O’Hare, and be on the ground in Traverse City by 3:30.  This would allow me plenty of time to get adjusted, lay out my gear, prepare my rods and reels, and then get a good night sleep to prepare for meeting Alex and Russ at 7:00 a.m. at the boat ramp.  The weather was clear, and all planes were on schedule.  This is going to be easy.  NOT!  My plane at XNA was delayed 4 hours due to improper tread on one of the tires and it had to be replaced CLICK FOR THE FULL STORY


with Mike Smith


If you are serious about the world of smallmouth bass, then you know about the New River in southern Virginia.  It is continually ranked in the top 5 smallmouth rivers in the country (google it).  As I continue my smallmouth journey, it was one of the first destinations I just had to experience.  When researching the fishery, one name continued to come up again and again: Mike Smith.


Mike is a modern-day renaissance man.  Holding a Doctorate degree and the current position of Professor of English at Bluefield State University in the School of Education, Humanities and Social  


The photographs and videos of all of our adventures both on and off the waters.

Our attempt to recognize and honor those friends of Smallmouth Chronicles who share our commitment and mission.

Our primary focus is the pursuit of this species on FLY RODS ONLY.  We breakdown  and review everything from fly to reel

We identify our favorite flies and give you the information and videos to tie them.

We identify those artists, writers, and craftsmen/women who we truly enjoy.

Endorsed Guides

Our list of those guides who represent professionalism, skill, experience, and a commitment to the preservation of smallmouth bass and their environments.

Endorsed Fly Shops

We identify our favorite flies and give you the information and videos to tie them.

Endorsed Products

We identify those artists, writers, guides, and companies who we truly enjoy.

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